CAVI Lemma: RF (stemmed?) plate{1}. Oltos. Last quarter sixth. Early (Beazley). 520-510
CAVI Subject: Athena, seated, holds up an owl (olive wreath in beak) in her left. On the
(stone?) seat, Pegasus in silhouette. Border: Doric kymation.
CAVI Inscriptions: At right: [---] εποιει vacat.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} special type. {2} `Ergänzung und Inschrift,' CVA.
CAVI Comments: CVA thinks same shape as [Once Joly de Bammeville, Edmond,] RF plate with
signature of Sikanos (q.v.), ARV[2] 68/13, which has the same Doric kymation. -
The writing is sort of feathery.
CAVI Number: 2351
AVI Bibliography: Treu (1875), 88{2}. — Furtwängler (1885), no. 2313 (facs.). — A.
Greifenhagen, CVA Berlin 3, Germany 22 (1962), pl. 135,4-5, fig. 7. — ARV[2]
(1963), 67/139 (cf. 68/13 and 69), 1622. — Para. (1971), 327. — Berlin
Antikenmuseum (1991), 242/58. — Buitron-Oliver (1995), 4 and n. 34.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)