Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World (Through 2020)
Dr. Tokuji Utsu, Professor Emeritus of Tokyo University, has been compiling "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World," which contains more than 10,000 destructive earthquakes in the world from 3000 B.C. You can use this page to search events from this catalog under various conditions. Please carefully read the description before you start searching.
You can obtain data on earthquakes that caused fatalities in Taiwan in the following example of search results.
- The IISEE has inherited "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World" and its search page on the web site of Earthquake Research Institute (ERI), Tokyo University, developed and maintained by Prof. Toshikatsu Yoshii, Nihon University.
- The search page on ERI allowed only computers with addresses suffixed by or to access. Drs. Utsu and Yoshii have kindly permitted the catalog and its search page to be utilized worldwide.
- The catalog that Dr. Utsu provided to the IISEE has destructive earthquakes up to June, 26, 2002. The IISEE is going to continuously update the catalog (the current latest event in the database is the earthquake that occurred on December 29 in 2020 in Croatia).
- A new function: KML files for Google Earth
After you search earthquakes on the search page, the link button named "Get a KML file" is created. Please click this button to create a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) file and download it on your computer. You can use this file to show a set of earthquakes that you have searched on Google Earth.
- Links to "IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock Distributions, Fault planes, and Rupture processes for recent large earthquakes in the world" and Tsunami simulation results
We have added a new column "INFOR at IISEE" in tables created by search. In this new column, a link to "IISEE's CMTs, Aftershock Distributions, Fault planes, and Rupture processes for recent large earthquakes in the world" is made when that event is registered in it. Also, a link to tsunami simulation results is made when they are available at the IISEE web site.
- How to cite "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World"
- In case you used data for events that occurred before June, 27, 2002:
- Utsu, T., 1990, Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World (Through 1989), Utsu, Tokuji, Tokyo, 243 pp. (in Japanese).
- Utsu, T., 2002, A list of deadly earthquakes in the World: 1500-2000, in International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Part A, edited by Lee, W.K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C., and Kisslinger, C., pp. 691-717, Academic Press, San Diego.
- Utsu, T., 2004, Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World (Through 2002), the Dbase file distributed at the memorial party of Prof. Tokuji Utsu held in Tokyo.
- Otherwise:
- Utsu, T., 1990, Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World (Through 1989), Utsu, Tokuji, Tokyo, 243 pp. (in Japanese).
- Utsu, T., 2002, A list of deadly earthquakes in the World: 1500-2000, in International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology Part A, edited by Lee, W.K., Kanamori, H., Jennings, P.C., and Kisslinger, C., pp. 691-717, Academic Press, San Diego.
- Utsu, T., 2004, Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World (Through 2002), the Dbase file distributed at the memorial party of Prof. Tokuji Utsu held in Tokyo. The revised and extended version is available at
(In the main body of texts, "Utsu (2004. The later updates are added by the International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering)")
- When you use this web page to show search results of "Catalog of Damaging Earthquakes in the World" in articles or on web pages, please refer to it.
- Please send inquiries to the following e-mail address if you have questions on the catalog and this search page.
The program and data are managed by Tatsuhiko Hara.