Background: Since we are currently experiencing issues related to the API request for opening/closing events if the event is on a wiki that the user is not currently on, we will remove open/close from the kebab menu for now. The user will still be able to open/close registration if they click on "Edit registration," but we are removing the potential confusion and redundancy of having an option on the kebab menu that brings the user to the same place as another option on the kebab menu (i.e., "Edit"). However, in the future, we may choose to add the open/close to the kebab menu again if we resolve the current issues we are experiencing with the API request.
Acceptance Criteria:
- Given an event organizer goes to Special:MyEvents and clicks on the three dots
- They should not see open/close registration in the kebab menu
- And this applies to whether they are on the wiki where the event was created or a foreign wiki/a wiki where the event was not created
- They should not see open/close registration in the kebab menu