Interstellar Communication

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	Element   Symbol  Atomic Number

	Hydrogen    H          1       
	Carbon      C          6       
	Nitrogen    N          7       
	Oxygen      O          8       
	Phosphorus  P         15       

	Group         Formula

	Deoxyribose   C5OH7
	Phosphate     OP
	Adenine       C5H4N5
	Thymine       C5H5N2O2
	Cytosine      C4H4N3O
	Guanine       C5H4N5O

	 6 CO2  +  6H2O  -------->  C6H12O6  +  6 O2 
	 6[{6},2{8}]  +  6[2{1},{8}]  ->  [6{6},12{1},6{8}]  +  6[2{8}]

	Propane Combustion
	 C3H8  +  5 O2  ----->  3 H2O  +  CO2  +  Heat

1 s  = 1.42 x 10^9 (time of hydrogen change in state)
1 g  = 6 x 10^23 (mass of hydrogen)
1 cm = 1/21 (wavelength of hydrogen emission radiation)
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