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Barriers, Limits and Limitations to Resilience

Barriers, Limits and Limitations to Resilience

Journal of Extreme Events, 2015
Robin Leichenko
Enhancing resilience has become a key element of preparedness for extreme events and climate change. While much progress has been made in defining components of resilience, many questions remain about identification of appropriate strategies for building resilience, barriers to implementation of these strategies, and limits to the potential effectiveness of these efforts. New questions are also emerging about inherent limitations of resilience-based approaches, suggesting that resiliency efforts must be coupled with broader transformations of the social and political conditions that create and perpetuate vulnerabilities. Investigation of resilience options and barriers has particular resonance for urbanized coastal communities, many of which face significant climate hazards and development-related pressures and are also encountering a suite of technical, political, financial, legal, and policy hurdles to adaptation. This study explored these issues in coastal New Jersey, USA. The me...

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