In the aftermath of Joe Biden's disastrous performance during his TV debate against Donald Trump, there is rightly a growing concern about the viability of his candidacy.

His bumbling and often incoherent responses have not only raised questions about his capability to effectively campaign but also about his ability to lead the States through tumultuous times.

For the good of his party and, more importantly, for the good of America, it is time for Biden - whose service to his country is without question - to do the honourable thing and step down.

His debate performance was nothing short of alarming - at times tough to watch.

It revealed a man who struggled to articulate his vision, repeatedly lost his train of thought and seemed overwhelmed by his opponent's aggressive tactics.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump faced off in first 2024 presidential debate on Thursday night (
CBS News)

This isn't just a minor misstep - it's indicative of a broader issue that could jeopardise the Democrats' chances of winning the presidency. The reality is stark: both Biden and Trump are deeply flawed candidates.

Their presidencies have been marked by controversy, division, and a seeming inability to address the real issues facing Americans today.

Trump's term was a whirlwind of chaos, characterised by erratic policies and divisive rhetoric. Meanwhile, Biden's tenure has been marred by gaffes and a lack of decisive leadership.

Neither man represents the best of what America can offer, nor do they inspire confidence in their ability to navigate the country through the complexities of the modern world.

Both Biden and Trump are "deeply flawed candidates" (
AFP via Getty Images)

For the Democrats, the path forward is clear. They need a candidate who can effectively counter Trump's aggressive style, unite the party and the country, and embodies the values and vision necessary to lead America into a better future.

Biden stepping down would allow the party to present a fresh, dynamic candidate like Gavin Newsom who can reinvigorate the campaign and offer a real chance of defeating Trump.

In stepping aside, Biden would be making a sacrifice for the greater good, allowing the Democrats to put forward a candidate capable of truly representing the people and restoring the country's standing on the world stage.

For the sake of America, it is time for Joe Biden to make this difficult but necessary decision.