The second Republican primary TV debate went off in California and included dozens and bombshells and awkward moments.

Fired-up candidates dropped comments about Hunter Biden, Donald Trump and each other's ties to China - and also discussed vital political events like mass shootings, abortion, immigration, and fentanyl deaths.

The candidates on stage were Florida Govenor Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum.

Frontrunner Trump explained that he had nothing to gain from debating his competitors and opted to skip the debate, as he did the last primary debate, instead holding a series of events in Michigan, where autoworkers are still on strike.

In order to qualify for the second debate, candidates needed at least 3 percent support in two national polls, or 3 percent in one national poll plus two polls from four of the early-voting states — Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina. The White House hopefuls also needed at least 50,000 unique donors, with at least 200 of those coming from 20 states or territories. They also had to sign an RNC pledge promising to support the party’s eventual nominee.

For those of you who didn't get to watch, here are some of the most bizarre, interesting, and rude moments from Wednesday night's debate...

Governor of North Dakota Doug Burgum, Chris Christie, Nikki Haley, Governor of Florida Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Senator Tim Scott at the Fox Business Republican Candidate Debate held at the Reagan Library on September 27, 2023 in Simi Valley, California (
Variety via Getty Images)

1. "Drill, frack and burn"

In a bold declaration, Vivek Ramaswamy starts off his role in the debate by ensuring viewers know his economic plan, which is the same slogans he's been toting across his campaign. "We need to deliver economic growth - drill, frack, burn coal, embrace nuclear energy!" said Ramaswamy. "That is an American vision... that we embrace economic growth... and capitalism is the best system known to man. That’s what it means to be an American," continued Ramaswamy in his speech.

But throughout the debate, the candidates returned to the topic of energy, and they all agreed that fracking and offshore drilling were the way ahead, interrupting each other at times to shout accusations around those statements.

Entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy made some loud declarations of laws he'd pass if he became president (
AFP via Getty Images)

At one point, Nikki Haley said: "Energy security is national security... what you don’t need is a president against energy independence," before going on to say: "DeSantis is against offshore drilling and fracking," while DeSantis began shouting over her.

Haley turned against her opponent quickly, demeaning his place at the table as Florida 'banned fracking' while DeSantis frantically explained to the audience that it wasn't his fault the state's legislature voted against it.

2. 'Work more to earn more'

With Republican leaders often standing against unions, the first question of the night was in regards to the autoworker strike, as Detroit's biggest industry, who this week joined the picket lines.

Scott got the first question, and he took a second to address the workers to say that they want a "four-day French work week but more money... [they want to] work fewer hours and make more, that can not stand."

Former Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie answered questions but also used every possible opportunity to take a shot at Trump (
AFP via Getty Images)

Ramaswamy went next and reminded the public that "victimhood is a choice," as he went on to explain that he also grew up impoverished before starting his companies and said his "advice to these workers is to go protest in front of the White House in DC," as the inflation causing the strikes is due to 'Bidenomics.'

Pence spoke in his usual slow manner but commanded the room when he spoke and agreed that "I’ll be standing with workers for the right to work, to join a union or not join a union as they decide" when asked about the strike.

Christie took every opportunity he could to take a shot at Trump, but turning this question into a chance to question why Trump wasn't here to answer for his part in the 'poor economy.'

3. A LOT of frantic shouting and interruptions

While the candidates did debate some important issues and presented some ideas on how to change things, they also argued and shouted over each other every step of the way. Chris Christie let it rip from the first question, as he was last to answer, he set the stage for eruptions.

Haley and Ramaswamy argued multiple times throughout the debate, but they weren't the only ones (
Getty Images)

"Donald Trump hides behind his walls at his resort and that’s why he’s not even here to answer the questions," said Christie from the podium - causing the other candidates to start yelling and shouting until moderators could calm them down. At another point, Haley and Ramaswamy get into it on stage, with Haley saying, "each time you talk, I get dumber," after Vivek's answer on social media. Then, they each accused the other about relations with China and TikTok usage.

Ramaswamy retorted back by saying that he "think the time would be better used answering questions and not hurling insults and interrupting," about 10 minutes before he began yelling about Ukraine during Scott's answer on a question about foreign policy. The foreign policy debate evoked a number of different moments where all the candidates yelled over each other on a national stage, but the biggest commotion was caused by some curtains (see point 9 below).

4. Chris Christie brands Trump 'Donald Duck'

While all the candidates took shots at each other and at Trump, Christie led the charge against the former president with four indictments and a successful primary campaign. "Donald, I know you're watching this because you can’t help yourself," starts Christie in a comment while staring directly at the camera.

Former Gov. Chris Christie called out Trump for not coming to the debate and gave him the nickname "Donald Duck" (
Getty Images)

"You're not here, not because of polls or indictments, but because you’re afraid of being on stage and ducking your record. You keep doing that, no one’s gonna call you Donald Trump, they’re gonna call you 'Donald Duck,'" he continued.

The other candidates also took a moment to address the fact that Trump didn't show up to the debates. DeSantis mentioned Trump's absence, especially during questions on the economy. "Donald Trump is missing in action! He should be on stage tonight to answer for his record, where they added 7 billion to the national debt," said the Florida Governor.

5. Pence promises new death penalty rules

In the same answer, Pence promised some pretty strange and hefty laws that he likely wouldn't be able to enact, even with the power of the Oval Office, but he promised to try. Pence announced a "federal expired death penalty for anyone perpetrating a mass shooting," saying that it takes 'too long' for some of these perpetrators to see justice, and argued that this plan would be a better deterrent than any gun ban.

Mike Pence made his presence known at the debate by explaining that he'd rather stop mass shootings by enacting a new "death penalty law" (
Getty Images)
US Senator from South Carolina Tim Scott had a moment where he declared that "America isn't racist" and then argued that "illegal immigrants" shouldn't be "subject to US laws" like birthright citizenship (
AFP via Getty Images)

Pence also said he'd "shut down the federal Department of Education" and instead let the states have all the power over schools, which would be a difficult thing to achieve for any leader. At another point, the former Vice President said, against all medical professionals, that he'd enact a "federal ban on transgender... chemical or surgery... anywhere in the country."

6. Bizarre new laws on gender and birth rights

Pence followed up his comments on gender by saying, "we have to protect our kids from this radical gender ideology." Ramaswamy agreed with this sentiment and chimed in and called being transgender a “mental health disorder," arguing that "affirming" a child's "confusion" was cruel.

As they declared their passage of laws against gender-affirming care, some other candidates had stern ideas about immigration policy. Vivek made a loud statement saying that he supports ending birthright citizenship.

"I favor ending birthright citizenship, and the left will howl about the constitution and the 14th amendment and what it says... Nobody believes that the child of a diplomat would enjoy birthright citizenship, so neither should the child of an illegal immigrant … how can I look my children in the eye and tell them to follow the law if our government doesn't follow the laws," he asked.

Scott followed up to that and said he agreed, as the "14th amendment was designed for slavery and not illegal immigration." But then that quickly took a turn when he took a chance to insult Ramaswamy for ties to China, effectively ending that debate.

7. Candidates are deathly afraid of TikTok, but oddly not AI

One of the biggest chaos-starters tonight was the debate over TikTok, as many of these leaders have avoided the platform and accused China of using the app's popularity to steal information. Ramaswamy made some of the strongest and most conservative statements of the evening, including the moment he said he'd "ban addictive social media" for teens under the age of 16, especially TikTok.

Former US Vice President Mike Pence said little at the podium but tried to show that he had the experience and expertise in the group (
AFP via Getty Images)

Then, Haley came out of the woodwork to insult Ramaswamy's answer, as he said he also uses the platform to try and reach the younger generation. As she then attempted to explain that the "Chinese" can use TikTok "to steal your contact information, to steal your personal information..." but the rest was lost as Ramaswamy began yelling at her.

While a majority of the candidates agreed that they'd restrict the use of social media for kids, they didn't have anything against AI. Burgum and Christie spoke out in favor of AI developments. Christie said: "AI offers us an opportunity to expand well beyond the productivity we have now. Each time we have shown innovation and progress... yes, we have to do retraining and more training available at college and local level, but we can’t be afraid of innovation."

Unless that innovation is social media. Unless you need that social media to "reach young voters."

8. Mexico's 'terrorist invasion'

Much of the conversation was about national security, with each republican candidate insisting most of the "crime" and waves of fentanyl deaths are the result of poor security at the border. Not just the south border, but also the north border. Also, they had plans to ensure that they're fighting all of "America's enemies," which included China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.

While they all shook hands, yelling at each other took precedence over answering questions multiple times during the debate (
AFP via Getty Images)

The candidates disagreed over funding to Ukraine, though none outwardly said that they'd like to sign the checks, at least some argued that arming Ukraine was necessary to fight off Russia. Russia tied in with China, Iran, and North Korea, as they've all been trading and buying weapons from each other.

But the fear over the border prompted the most conversation and probably the most agreement - Haley, DeSantis, Ramaswamy, Scott, and Christie all agreed that the National Guard was necessary and that they were all willing to begin deporting illegal immigrants.

9. An argument over curtains

The biggest fight of the night was over curtains, which made everyone erupt in a bout of anger and - surprise - more accusations, right up until the moderators called for a commercial break. It all started when Haley went after Scott, accusing him of not having enough experience as a senator: “I appreciate Tim. We have known each other a long time. He has been there 12 years, and he has not done any of that.”

So Scott accused Haley of spending $50,000 on curtains while she was the US ambassador to the United Nations, in an attempt to talk about her own government spending. Haley answered back, correctly, that the Obama administration purchased the curtains and they had nothing to do with her - but Scott kept going by asking her if she ever dared to send them back.

Most of the candidates did agree on some topics, like energy and China, but they all had different ideas on how to make that work - but mostly, they wanted to talk about their opponents missteps (
AFP via Getty Images)

Suddenly on top of Scott and Haley shouting over each other, the other candidates chimed in. It was difficult to make out what any of them were saying in the cacophony, but shouts of, "They were there before I showed up at the residence!" and "gas tax increase!" could be heard over the crowd before the moderators cut to a break.

10. Refusing to 'vote someone off the island'

In the last question of the day, the moderators attempted to stir up some trouble as they asked the candidates to figuratively 'vote another candidate off the island' and asked them to write a name on the piece of paper in front of them. Suddenly, they all came together to denounce this request.

In a rare show, they all refused to "vote someone off the island" - except Chris Christie, who hastily scrawled Trump's name (

“With all due respect, I think that that’s disrespectful,” DeSantis said in response. The other candidates began murmuring and making statements of agreement, prompting the moderator, Dana Perino, to ask a different question about the campaign.

Bonus moment : Except Chris Christie, who voted Trump off the island

While all the candidates agreed to table that discussion and opted to talk about the campaign trail instead, one of the moderators pointed out that they immediately saw Chris Christie scrawl something on that piece of paper. He immediately took the bait. "I vote Donald Trump of the island right now. Every person on this stage has shown respect for republican voters, and I have respect for every man and woman on this stage," he started in what seemed for a moment a good way to salvage his cheekiness.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum mentioned that he didn't get enough questions - but insisted on giving answers to the questions he wasn't asked (

Then Christie went in: "Vivek put your hand down, I still have time. Chill out!" he said about the other candidate before continuing his anti-Trump sentiments. "This guy has not only divided our party, he’s divided families, he’s divided friends, and people can’t sit down and have a conversation without disagreeing on President Trump," giving his reason for "voting" the former president "off" the ballot.

Then Ramaswamy joined in to disagree, and that "Trump was an excellent president," but then said he'd be the best candidate on the stage to push the "America First" agenda. That's when the other candidates also erupted, each trying to get a last word in, before moderators put an end to the second Republican primary debate.