Fictional Languages You Can Actually Learn To Speak

Coy Jandreau
Updated July 3, 2024 69.5K views 18 items

Languages are just invented for use in the real world all the time, but some languages are made up for people and cultures that don't really exist. Many books, films, comics, and television shows contain fictional cultures with functional languages that fans (particularly sci-fi and fantasy fans) have learned to speak. It just makes sense that folks would want to speak in the language of their favorite characters.

Thanks to the Internet, learning and spreading made up languages is easier than ever. Whether you want to learn a language from your favorite video game (Simlish), your favorite family movie (Minionese), or 3D movie (Na'vi), now you can. Maybe you're more literary want to learn Tolkien's Elvish? Maybe some Dothraki? Ever wanted to speak Klingon? With this list of fictional languages you can learn, you'll be an amateur linguist in a nonsense tongue before you know it.

This list contains the best fictional languages that you can really master with a little Googling, a lot of time, and even more patience. Translated phrases and words are included to get you started. These are the best fictional languages that you can actually learn to speak.
  • Klingon

    Where You've Heard It: As spoken by the battle hardened Klingons in many, many Star Trek movies and television shows, as well as at conventions, in Klingon language books, in the Klingon adaptation of Hamlet, and from the guy on the subway.

    Sample Phrases
    nuqDaq 'oH puchpa"e'?

    Where is the bathroom?


    I don’t understand.

    'arlogh Qoylu'pu'?
    What time is it?

    Buy a book to learn Klingon here.
  • Elvish

    Where You've Heard It: Any of the works of JRR Tolkien or in Peter Jackson's six big screen adaptations. As spoken by Elves or Aragorn. There are actually two distinct languages in Elvish, along with many developed dialects.

    Sample Phrases:
    Elen sila lumenn'omentelvo.

    A star shines on the hour of our meeting.

    Saesa omentien lle.

    Pleasure meeting you.

    lle homa ve' edan

    You smell like a human.


    You can learn Elvish free of charge here.


  • High Valyrian

    Where You've Heard It: The High Valyrian language on HBO's Game of Thrones is similar to real-world modern day Latin in that it is a mostly dead language. However high born children of Essos and Westeros, like Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, are taught the language in order to show off their education.

    Sample Phrases:

    Skoriot rāenābion ilza?

    Where's the bathroom?

    Hobroti jās

    F*ck off

    Tolī rhūqo lōtinti, kostilus

    More pigeon pie, please. 

    Learn more High Valyrian words and phrases.


  • Na'vi


    Where You've Heard It: Spoken by the alien Na'vi in James Cameron's Avatar and in the inevitable Avatar sequels.

    Sample Phrases

    Fayvrrtep fitsenge lu kxani. Fipoti oel tspiyang, fte tikenong liyevu atlaru.
    These demons are forbidden here. I will kill this one as a lesson to the others.


    Seeds of a great tree.


    You can brush up on your Na'vi here.


  • Dothraki

    Where You've Heard It: Spoken by the nomadic Dothraki on the hit HBO show Game of Thrones and the book series it's based on, A Song of Ice and Fire.

    Sample Phrases:
    Hash yer dothrae chek asshekh?

    Do you ride well today?

    Asshekhqoyi vezhvena!

    Happy birthday!

    Yer affesi anni.
    You make me itch.

    Learn more Dothraki words and phrases.


  • Parseltongue

    Where You've Heard It: As spoken by the Boy who lived and He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in the Harry Potter books by J.K Rowling and blockbuster film franchise.

    Sample Phrases: (It can't really be written since it's all hisses, but you can practice to become a Parselmouth here.
  • Minionese

    Where You've Heard It: The language spoken by the ever adorable Minions in either their solo film, Despicable Me, or Despicable Me 2.

    Sample Words:

    La Boda

    Muak Muak Muak

    Bi Do
    I'm Sorry

    You can learn more Minionese here.

  • Kryptonian

    Where You've Heard It: In any Superman comic, movie, or TV show, in which it would be spoken or written by the aliens on Superman's native planet.

    Sample Phrases: The Kryptonian glyphs and symbols don't translate to the keyboard. But you can learn all different types of Kryptonian here.
  • Ewokese

    Where You've Heard It: Spoken by those furry little teddy bear/tiny wookiee looking things (Ewok/Wookiee get it?) in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

    Sample Words:

    Dee Fratta
    That is

    Ee chee wa maa!


    Learn the finer points of Ewokese here.
  • Mondoshawan

    Where You've Heard It: It's the Divine Language that Leeloo speaks in The Fifth Element.

    Sample Phrases:

    akta gamat
    Never without my permission.

    domo danko
    Thank you very much.

    Pick up some more conversational Mondoshawan here
  • Furbish

    Where You've Heard It: Those crazy little owl/gremlin/puppy creature toys that were so big in the '90s.

    Sample Phrases:




    You too can learn Furbish
  • Newspeak


    Where You've Heard It: The future of language as foretold by George Orwell in 1984. Propagated by the government of Oceania as a means of controlling the populace.

    Sample Words
    Blind, enthusiastic acceptance of an idea

    To speak without thinking

    The tendency to be solitary or individualistic

    Person who has been killed by the state, then erased from record

    Learn more about Newspeak right here.
  • R'lyehian

    Where You've Heard It: The language written by HP Lovecraft for the Great Old One Cthulhu and his spawn.

    Sample Phrases:




    Learn more Lovecraftian goodness and R'lyehian HERE
  • Atlantean

    Where You've Heard It: Disney's Atlantis: The Lost Empire, as spoken by... well the lost people of Atlantis.

    Sample Phrase
    Nish en top Adlantis ag, Kelob tem Gabr in karok li mik bet gim demot tem net getunos en tem bernot li mik bet kag b lewidyoh.
    Spirits of Atlantis, forgive me for defiling your chamber and bringing intruders into the land.

    Learn the alphabet of Atlantis here.

  • Nadsat

    Where You've Heard It: Said out loud by the irredeemable Droods in Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange and the novel by Anthony Burgess on which it's based.

    Sample Words:




    Expand your Nadsat vocabulary here.
  • Lapine

    Where You've Heard It: In the book Watership Down or the animated film adapted from Richard Adams's novel. Spoken by the rabbits and subsequently developed into a full language.

    Sample Phrases

    Os e layth Frithyeer hyaones, on layth zayn yayn dahloil.
    If it’s sunny today, we’ll go and find dandelions.


    To poop

    Check out more selected samples of Lapine here.

  • Simlish

    Where You've Heard It: All of those poor, poor people you controlled while playing any of Sims games.

    Sample Phrases
    Yulhullie mud lapllahaduhil.
    To serve and protect.


    Dag Dag!
    Bye Bye!

    There's an app that teaches Simlish and you can pick it up here.

  • Black Speech

    Where You've Heard It: In JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, the Black Speech is the evil Sauron's sole way to communicate with his servants. 

    Sample Phrases:
    Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
    One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

    Gu kibum kelkum-ishi, burzum-ishi. Akha-gum-ishi ashi gurum.

    No life in coldness, in darkness. Here in void, only death.Bone up on the basics of the Black Speech here.